Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather in my neck of the woods:  Sunny, but Cool Crisp temps.  It’s gonna get cold at night thought.

Book I'm reading:  None at the moment.

What's on my TV today:  Lots of things… we are clearing out the DVR, Castle, CSI":Miami, Bear Swamp Recovery…. and later who knows…. hubby won’t tell me what’s on TV tonight!

On the menu for dinner: We still aren’t having real dinners yet, because with the Oral Surgery, Norm can’t eat most foods.  So I make whatever the kids want, and I will have whatever is laying around.

On my To Do List: At least 2 more loads of laundry.  And I would like to do something creative this evening.

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:   I want to find a good pumpkin fudge recipe.  Still on the hunt!

In the craft basket: Oh My! What isn’t in there?? I am currently working on making paper beads.

Looking forward to this week:  Spending some tiem with the kids, with NO WHERE to go! Cheer & Football are over, and the kids have 3 days off this week… so it’s Pajama week here…. no going to the store, no appointments… NOTHING

Tips and Tricks: 

My favorite blog post this week:  Hey it’s still monday….. we will see what the week brings!

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):I have an awesome blog I want to share, but can not find the link, or remember the title… I will look for it!

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):



Lesson learned the past few days:  My kids are wonderful little people! The twins have both developed GREAT sportsmanship!

On my mind:   I need to have more tolerance of other people!